Featured Case Studies

SEO Marketing

2019 Crystal Awards Finalist

The website’s content did not adhere to best practices for SEO, primarily lacking in necessary word counts, keyword density, and appropriate metadescriptions.

I began manually adding SEO value to the website. First, I evaluated all of the site’s pages and rewrote/edited all pages and blog posts to make ensure they were a minimum of 1,000 words, contained proper keyword density, were easy to read, and had appropriate headers. I then included imagery where it was lacking in addition to adding internal and external links throughout the website’s content. I updated 49 pages in total.

After adding this content, I added schemas to the website to better help search engines understand the site. I added a law firm schema and four attorney schemas to the website. Next, I submitted the website for inclusion in the Texas Bar Today Law Blogs, a directory of law blogs written by Texas attorneys and run by the State Bar of Texas, for valuable backlinks.

The revisions resulted in a 179% increase in clicks, a 175% increase in impressions, and a 133% increase in the click-through-rate - as well as earning over 80,000 impressions in Google results across just three months.

Print Collateral: B2B Marketing

2019 Crystal Awards Winner

MehaffyWeber was invited to pitch as new legal representation to Caterpillar. Before the meeting, the law firm wanted to provide Caterpillar executives with a marketing piece showcasing the firm’s long history of success, one of the attorney’s previous experience representing the company, and other pertinent background information.

Because the brochure was created specifically for Caterpillar, I was able to make a hyper-specialized marketing piece utilizing Caterpillar’s colors, brand standards, equipment, and more. Based on Caterpillar’s own product catalogues, I designed a two-page spread showcasing all of the products for which the attorneys had handled legal matters over the years and utilized photos of said equipment to create a visual story. By designing a brochure in Caterpillar’s brand standards, the coloring, branding, and imagery of the marketing piece was familiar to the executives who would be receiving it.

MehaffyWeber was engaged by Caterpillar to serve as defense counsel for at least three cases in Texas, with several additional cases pending.

Website: Blog Content Analysis

2019 Crystal Awards Finalist

Stacey E. Burke, P.C. (SEBPC) is a marketing agency that focuses on providing digital marketing services for the legal industry. The blog needed to be updated to highlight the true focus of services offered, support our reputation as experts, adhere to our new tone of voice, and improve the overall search engine optimization (SEO) value of the website.

There were 245 blog posts on the website that needed to be analyzed to determine if they were adding value or taking away value. I examined each individual blog, looking at specific SEO data, including backlinks, content quality, keyword density, and relevancy. I measured the quality of each blog post by examining its length, readability, formatting (e.g. the utilization of headers), and tone. Blog posts that provided no value or were no longer relevant needed to be removed, while some blog posts needed to be updated or combined to create more comprehensive and thorough content.

The website experienced an incredible improvement in engagement and conversions, with a nearly 64% increase in pageviews, a 117% increase in pages per session, a 154% increase in average session duration, and a 32% improvement in the bounce rate when compared to the same period in 2017.

2023 Crystal Awards Finalist

Branding: Logo Design

To represent her new personal injury law firm, Ashley Applewhite’s logo needed to convey both experience and modernity. The logo required a design that would embody the traits that make Ashely herself unique: defense experience and subject matter expertise, but with more of a trial lawyer style personality.

I analyzed color theory in order to develop the logo, utilizing colors that represent characteristics of both the new law firm entity and Ashley herself.

First, I focused on which traits we wanted to showcase to potential new clients. The majority of these traits were encompassed in the color blue. Blue represents stability, confidence, and reliability, and signifies a trustworthy person or business. Next, I focused on the clients and what they would be feeling in the moment of searching for an attorney. Most people engaging a personal injury attorney have gone through a traumatic event; I therefore brought in green to represent a new beginning for her clients. Green is also a calming color, and conveys a sense of prosperity – two things most personal injury plaintiffs are searching for in an attorney to represent them in a legal claim for monetary damages.

Finally, I added just a touch of yellow for attention. As yellow is the most visible color on the color spectrum, the human eye processes yellow first. The small addition of yellow helps to immediately draw in the viewer without overwhelming them.

2018 Crystal Awards Winner

Google Analytics Setup

When the website was originally launched, no conversion tracking was set up to measure and analyze conversions. Without conversion tracking data, it is impossible to not only measure success and return on investment, but also impossible to develop an understanding of website users and their intentions.

To establish conversion tracking protocols, I installed Google Tag Manager (GTM) on the website. With GTM, I created tags for certain events on the website, and specified when information about these events should be collected and sent to the website’s Google Analytics account.

The first step in setting up tracking protocols was specifying a naming system for each tag. After structuring the naming system, I created 13 separate tags and triggers: two call event tags, five email event tags, four v-card download event tags, and two contact form submission tags. I then set up each event as a Goal Conversion in Google Analytics.

The implementation of conversion tracking allowed us to identify the most successful website pages, and make updates and revisions accordingly in crease overall conversions on the website.

Social Media Advertising

In response to the increased discussions around immigration, Monty & Ramirez LLP sought out new ways to increase its brand awareness, communicate the firm’s effectiveness at helping immigrants in the Houston community, and ultimately generate more business in the form of individual immigration clientele.

I created two custom landing pages detailing the firm’s immigration law services: one in English and one in Spanish. The landing pages were stand-alone entities, presenting fewer distractions for visitors. They included multiple points of contact, including dedicated call tracking numbers for each landing page and contact forms.

I then launched Facebook ads targeting the desired demographic, driving traffic to the newly created landing pages. The Spanish language landing page saw a 9.24% conversion rate for website form submissions – meaning one in ten visitors to the page submitted a contact form. Thirty-two tracked calls lasted over 90 seconds, with six lasting over four minutes. In total, the campaign generated a total of 148 contact form submissions and 39 tracked phone calls, or just over five new leads per day, at an average acquisition cost of only $11.54 per lead.